Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Disgraceful and Dangerous Week for our new President and our Country!

This past week has been quite an eventful week for our great Country. I don't think most Americans have slowed down to realize what took place this past week....Within one weeks time, just about everything that has made our Country great since our birth was almost wiped away by our new President. Our own national defense and our love for our God and creator was placed in jeopardy. President Obama did vow to change our great country and at least he is keeping that promise.

Earlier this week, President Obama invited Islamic Muslim leaders from around our country to come to Washington for a national day of muslim heard correctly...On the one hand he claims that we continue our war on terror, on the other hand he sits down with our enemy. What sort of leadership is this? Then he turns his back on our own allies by cancelling plans to build the nuclear defense shield that President Bush was moving forward with building, as to not offend Russia, as I am sure Russia continues to build its culminate this unbelievably devastating week for America, he then sits down with his buddies, the "world leaders" and shares the stage with Muammar Qadafhi and called leader of Iran, who denies the holocaust ever took place! President Obama and his administration are considering not providing the troops being requested by his own military leaders to win the war in Afghanistan.

During this same week, Iran freely admits that it is building a second nuclear power plant which probably means it has more than that and is probably way more advanced than we know. To add insult to injury reports have been made on Fox and other media outlets that our new administration would block any plans by Israel to defend itself by taking out these Iranian nuclear sites. Who's side is this President on? We as Americans need to be very concerned as to what is taking place right before our eyes. Our new President is attempting, with every step he takes, to change the entire course of our American history and change our own history and what has made us the great beacon of hope and great world power and turn our country into a third world country, all for the sake of his own popularity around the world. He should have run for President of the UN and not our great and sovereign nation!

The dismantling of our country's values and beliefs continues each day that this administration is allowed to make changes in policy that are going unchallenged by our Political leaders and the media, that has now gone to sleep completely and daily gives President Obama a can we forget the video this week of the school children being indoctrinated to follow and worship our new President as if he was a god of some sort and not a politician?

My hope and prayer is that we as Americans will not allow this internal attack on our country and everything it stands for, which millions of brave Americans have fought and died for since the birth of our great nation, to continue unchallenged and unrevealed!

Lets stand united and call out this President and his surrogates for what they are and what they are attempting to do to dismantle our military and our stature around the world, that President George W. Bush stood firm quote our great President George W. Bush: "America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud." May our God protect and keep our great Nation, May God continue to bless America!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Patriotism forgotten since 9/11?

Its hard to believe its been 8 years since terrorists attacked us on our own soil....whats even harder to believe is how quickly many Americans have forgotten all the good that came out of this terrible attack on our freedoms....

Remember all of the Patriotism we all participated in after the attacks? Remember Senators and Congressmen singing "God Bless America" and the "Star Spangled Banner" on the capital steps? Remember what seemed to be every vehicle on the road throughout the country displaying American Flags proudly? Remember how we loved and respected and appreciated our President GW Bush's toughness and determination to take out the terrorist and the country's supporting the terrorists that attacked us? Remember our church services being filled with prayers for our country and patriotic hymns.....almost everyone wearing American Flag pins? Remember our unity?!

What has happened to our country since then? President GW Bush did his job by protecting us and now we think all is well? Our new President has dropped the ball and is focusing only on his liberal agenda and much of the country is following suit....God forbid the terrorist who attacked us on 9/11 take advantage of us becoming the "....sleeping giant...."...once again and catch us unaware and unprepared once again......

My challenge to our President...Congress...and all Americans is lets wake up....lets learn from 9/11...lets truly honor the dead and fallen and lets put all our focus on defending our own liberty and our own security..lets strengthen the borders...lets end illegal immigration on all borders....lets enforce the law...lets re-invigorate GW's War on Terror and lets take out the terrorist on their soil before they return to ours.....on that note, our Government is fully aware of the terrorist and terrorist sympathizers within our own country right now..where they live and where they meet, but is unwilling to go after them for fear of offending ironic...we are concerned about offending the very same people who attacked us and killed over 3000 of our fellow Americans within a couple hours time?! Something is very wrong with that picture.....

Americans...let's unite..lets become active and lets vote senators...congressmen and our next President in to office that actually hold our American values dear....Love of country, love of our God, and the pursuit of freedom and true happiness.....may the Lord continue to bless our great country!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My thoughts on local Atlanta Politics.....

Good morning.....a comment regarding our local Atlanta Politics......

As a long time "Atlanta" citizen fortunate enough to live outside the city limits but having worked in the city for over 15+ has been disturbing and sad to see how poorly our city has been run/governed since the mid-70's and onward.

In an effort to "globalize" and "modernize" our fair southern city and making it unique in the south....our elected leaders have gone overboard and have brought in governmental models from New Orleans....San Francisco....New York...and some cities around the world etc..etc....Atlanta has not been, for quite sometime and will never be, a true warm "Southern" city again until Leaders are elected in the city that truly care about what's best for the city and its citizens instead of attempting to please and appease outside sources..political activists groups and all those not interested in making our city better...more productive and welcoming to visitor's.....

The following are issues from my perspective that are dragging Atlanta down:

  • Less than honest Mayoral and city counsel leadership and leadership practices...

  • The lack of hard core attack on crime, true Law Enforcement and drug's in and around the city...

  • No lack of real resolve in combating the homelessness issues in the downtown area and other areas that continues to drive business away....

  • A continued lack of focus on the true heritage of Atlanta and the south....

  • The poorly run Atlanta International Airport which I believe should be handed over to the State to run until we can get some leaders downtown that have some actual business savvy and that actualy care about the city instead of their own agendas and activism goals.....

Those are just a few areas of concern that if not addressed during the upcoming mayoral race and by citizens and leaders not afraid to stand up for what is right and face the on-going racist attacks in the city against those that are of a different ethnic background from the ones that currently run the city..the police department and city counsel, will continue the downward trend of our fair city to the likes of Detroit and New Orleans!

These are my opinions and observations after having lived, worked and played in and around our fair city since the mid-70's to the present.....Atlanta can truly once again be a fair "southern" city and an international city that it really is not at this point on either count....Georgians and Atlantan's are not in control and in charge of our city......for those that still care about what goes on and how as Georgians and Atlantan's are perceived around the country and world it is time to unite and take our city back by showing it in the ballot box and demanding true equality and fairness from our Leaders and Governor as well....."....with Liberty and Justice for all....." not just a select few is the motto we should be living and governing by!

Good day all!