Saturday, September 12, 2009

Patriotism forgotten since 9/11?

Its hard to believe its been 8 years since terrorists attacked us on our own soil....whats even harder to believe is how quickly many Americans have forgotten all the good that came out of this terrible attack on our freedoms....

Remember all of the Patriotism we all participated in after the attacks? Remember Senators and Congressmen singing "God Bless America" and the "Star Spangled Banner" on the capital steps? Remember what seemed to be every vehicle on the road throughout the country displaying American Flags proudly? Remember how we loved and respected and appreciated our President GW Bush's toughness and determination to take out the terrorist and the country's supporting the terrorists that attacked us? Remember our church services being filled with prayers for our country and patriotic hymns.....almost everyone wearing American Flag pins? Remember our unity?!

What has happened to our country since then? President GW Bush did his job by protecting us and now we think all is well? Our new President has dropped the ball and is focusing only on his liberal agenda and much of the country is following suit....God forbid the terrorist who attacked us on 9/11 take advantage of us becoming the "....sleeping giant...."...once again and catch us unaware and unprepared once again......

My challenge to our President...Congress...and all Americans is lets wake up....lets learn from 9/11...lets truly honor the dead and fallen and lets put all our focus on defending our own liberty and our own security..lets strengthen the borders...lets end illegal immigration on all borders....lets enforce the law...lets re-invigorate GW's War on Terror and lets take out the terrorist on their soil before they return to ours.....on that note, our Government is fully aware of the terrorist and terrorist sympathizers within our own country right now..where they live and where they meet, but is unwilling to go after them for fear of offending ironic...we are concerned about offending the very same people who attacked us and killed over 3000 of our fellow Americans within a couple hours time?! Something is very wrong with that picture.....

Americans...let's unite..lets become active and lets vote senators...congressmen and our next President in to office that actually hold our American values dear....Love of country, love of our God, and the pursuit of freedom and true happiness.....may the Lord continue to bless our great country!

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