Monday, August 24, 2009

Another reversal or planned all along?

The White House announced today that it will, after all, investigate reports of alleged abuses by the CIA while fighting the former war on terror now more of a police action and not a good one at that! Is this a reversal of the administrations position or a planned attack all along? My belief is that this was planned from day one and now that the Universal Health Care endeavour has been at least temporarily sidetracked, its time to appease the far left fringe out there and begin the further demoralizing of our troops and our CIA operatives out there actually fighting to preserve our country!

Of course..the end goal is to bring down our former President, George W. Bush and his administration for all the good they did and for standing up to Terrorists and Terrorism and for being willing to take the battle to the enemy instead of waiting for them to come to us again after 9/11.....

Wouldn't it make much better sense to bolster and enhance our abilities to actually fight terrorism by strengthening our military and our defense capabilities? Wouldn't it make better sense to give the CIA the support and tools they need to continue to keep our enemies at bay and on their "toes" as apposed to giving them and the world more ammunition to attack us with and diminish our standing around the world? Wasn't that one of the promises this new administration made while on the campaign trail that they would "change" the way we are viewed around the world? Was it to make us look weaker? If so...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

1 comment:

  1. Proud to have you as my brother Ronny! I love you and thank you for serving our country and protecting us! That is amazing! Keep going!!
