Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Global Warming"...Give me a break!

My thoughts on global warming....what a big fat joke! What a bunch of wimps and gullible Americans we have become to buy such bull! Global warming was Sodom and Gomorrah in the old testament and global warming will be when God returns to punish all unbelievers and those that have turned against Him!

Otherwise..the polar bears are fine..there is plenty of ice at the north and south poles....we have snow flurries in Ga in October which is a miracle....snow fall all over the country....the oceans are fine...New York and Miami have not been flooded by tidal waves....please people....lets move on! Global warming will be when our enemies attack us on our own soil as we have our heads in the proverbial sand wanting to "give peace a chance" or be "tolerant" with the terrorists..communism, socialism...and dictators around the world!

Going green....another joke! Good citizens will not liter or plunder or be waistful....i.e. conservative and this really new?! Haven't good hard working and patriotic Americans always done so? Did you all really just start conserving on paper products and just start marveling at the beauty of God's creating of nature? Please....lets come out of this daze/haze that Democrats and liberals are trying to force down our throats!

Remember that if our forefathers had not fought and died for our freedoms, which yes meant..eating and living of the land...actually confronting and fighting our enemies not sitting down and having tea with them, then these Lilly livered sissy's would not have the opportunity to burn flags, burn down apartment complexes to save the environment, and the other insane actions activists and tree huggers take and make each and everyday for the sake of the environment!

Americans....don't buy the hype! Enjoy your life..your family and your freedoms! Go out in your backyards and cut a tree down every now and will do you some good!

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