Sunday, October 18, 2009

Throw those bums out!

Over the last few weeks it seems as though the tide has begun to turn and Americans appear to be waking up from the Obama mania and love affair with his presidency! Folks are starting to wake up and realize that this president and his czars and "posse" are attempting to take our country so far left that we might never return to our conservative roots!

My simple message to all of us is lets keep this momentum going! Lets band together and throw those bums out in 2010 and 2012! I contend that we must vote out all republicans and all demo crates and all Independents from the House and Senate and White House that do not stand for a strong national defense, putting God back into our schools and government, respect of our American Flag, lower taxes and less or smaller government and the free rain of capitalism in America!

Thousands upon Thousands of Americans have fought and died for the very aspects of what makes America great that the current administration is attempting to eliminate with such government take-overs like health care,dismantling of our military strength and alliances in the world and other endeavours that are under the radar at this moment.....I am encouraged as to what is happening out there....lets keep it going Americans! Lets be proud of our country once again and send these deceitful and self serving politicians home at each opportunity! Vote them out!

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